Customizable NFTs

What are Customizable NFTs?

Customizable NFTs are a format that allows users to visually customize NFTs by equipping other NFTs and creating an on-chain connection between them.

All NFTs in Unique Network are highly customizable. An NFT that implements any of the Unique Network features is a Customizable NFT.

But what does it mean to customize an NFT?

Any NFT can obtain the advanced features provided by Unique Network, including nested bundles, dynamic NFTs, and multi-resource NFTs. By utilizing layered ownership structures, this category of NFTs enables the unbundling of single assets into multiple sets of tradable rights, providing unparalleled flexibility and personalization.

Why are Customizable NFTs unique?

  • Every token can be customized
  • Customization happens visually and on-chain
  • Smart contracts not required

Use cases

  • Gaming NFT skins
  • Customizable NFT collections
  • Customizable digital fashion
  • Metaverse NFT wearables

Monetization ideas

  • Games
    • Sell multiple skins to one user
  • NFT Marketplaces
    • Create additional revenue streams
    • Sell more items to multiple individual(s)
  • Metaverses
    • NFT wearables

How can Customizable NFTs benefit your users?

  • Increased customization leads to fun and visually eccentric NFT creations
  • Multi-layered ownership for greater flexibility
  • Higher engagement due to the novelty of unique and rare NFTs
  • Greater re-selling opportunities on the NFT Marketplace. Increased revenue for creators and platform providers

How can I create Customizable NFTs?

The SDK provides full control over the creation and customization process described in the SDK documentation.

The process consists of the following steps:

  1. Design your collection, create the collection tokens traits, and prepare the digital assets (image, audio, video, doc).
  2. Set up the development environment for using the SDK in two easy steps (step-by-step setup video hereopen in new window)
  3. Establishing your compositing server to observe customizations during development is recommended. The server merges nested NFTs and presents modifications in dynamic NFTs and more.
  4. The process can be expedited by bringing your server. More information about the setup can be found in this repo, and you can view an example in this videoopen in new window
  5. Mint the tokens via a simple call. You can mass-mint with just one call!
  6. Examine the results in the UniqueWallet and use the wallet interface for further customization and nesting.