Create an account

In this tutorial, we will go through the entire process of creating an account using the Unique Network SDK.

Consider using how you can create or get an account using the Accountsopen in new window package.

You will need to come up with or generate a mnemonic phrase (this is a set of words that can be used to create and restore your wallet).

⚠️ Never share your mnemonic phrase with anyone. If someone gets access to your mnemonic phrase, they can steal your funds.

Generate a new account

An easy way to create a new account is to use the generateAccount function from the Accounts package:

import { generateAccount, SignatureType } from "@unique-nft/accounts";

const account = await generateAccount({
  pairType: SignatureType.Sr25519,
  meta: {
    name: 'my_test_account'


Console log output
  mnemonic: 'alter eternal wolf cash picture print orange drink exact vendor arch bulb',
  seed: '0xcf9eff78eecb3cebcea5645c5376f4693d3b419deb8e8ee58551c3f7e69f1cb6',
  publicKey: '0x24f91ccc3ab6656f8da3ad3e441656483b772ff2394e6e1da5ebf1f2cd46e143',
  keyfile: {
    encoded: 'MFMCAQEwBQYDK2VwBCIEIBitDsTc6aHS8m1Ta59l7d71ElpB7y0V2w1PHNInvZlS7Im6LVJjq2fqAc6oVv7c9ldlC4qT/rKCjtGpB69yw+ShIwMhAED5ve+webmJVaeKFzobwAlbU0gW57ktBM6oDxKqBisB',
    encoding: { content: [Array], type: [Array], version: '3' },
    address: '5DXu7NRcFPSVEF3WcYkbrrZfFBE4rnkaYeP8721WEcystBxj',
    meta: { name: 'my_test_account' }

Get an account from mnemoni

If you already have a mnemonic phrase, you can use it to get an account. Here is how the phrase looks like:

affair spoon other impact target solve extra range cute myself float panda

Here is how we can use it to get an account.

import { getAccountFromMnemonic } from '@unique-nft/accounts';

const account = await getAccountFromMnemonic({
  mnemonic: 'affair spoon other impact target solve extra range cute myself float panda',
Console log output
  mnemonic: 'affair spoon other impact target solve extra range cute myself float panda',
  seed: '0x2a5dd888c0fb536c7c82ee53bb44ca49825ab134dd5a9c09e62423eeba30847b',
  publicKey: '0x094bb2d311460005c5072635beb8a11c8f15521d2136bdfbab3163af3c21412e',
  keyfile: {
    encoded: 'MFMCAQEwBQYDK2VwBCIEICpd2IjA+1NsfILuU7tEykmCWrE03VqcCeYkI+66MIR7Ji4DUViFrOGgvhQNVi8elFCpHSDekzUg/5dpSD2lZsuhIwMhACYuA1FYhazhoL4UDVYvHpRQqR0g3pM1IP+XaUg9pWbL',
    encoding: { content: [Array], type: [Array], version: '3' },
    address: '5CvmLzTcAfSFJgRiJ7DbKYwDUMcRBbNAa3bQeCrNM2nXTvBk',
    meta: {}

Or, we can generate a mnemonic phrase and then get an account using it:

import { getAccountFromMnemonic } from '@unique-nft/accounts';
import { mnemonicGenerate } from '@polkadot/util-crypto';

const mnemonicPhrase = mnemonicGenerate();
const account = await getAccountFromMnemonic({
  mnemonic: mnemonicPhrase,


If you need to get an account from one specific provider, then it is not necessary to create an Accounts object, you can contact the provider directly:

import { Account } from '@unique-nft/accounts';
import { KeyringProvider } from '@unique-nft/accounts/keyring';
import { KeyringOptions } from '@polkadot/keyring/types';

const options: KeyringOptions = {
  type: 'sr25519',
const provider = new KeyringProvider(options);
await provider.init();
const signer = provider.addSeed('<seed of account>');

The following providers are supported:

// The provider works directly with the chain using `KeyringPair` from the `@polkadotkeyring` package.
import { Account } from '@unique-nft/accounts';
import { KeyringProvider } from '@unique-nft/accounts/keyring';
import { KeyringOptions } from '@polkadot/keyring/types';

const options: KeyringOptions = {
  type: 'sr25519',
  const provider = new KeyringProvider(options);
  await provider.init();

const signer1 = provider.addSeed('<seed of account>');
const signer2 = provider.addKeyfile('<json keyfile>');
import { Account } from '@unique-nft/accounts';
import { KeyringPair } from '@polkadot/keyring/types';
import {
  } from '@unique-nft/accounts/keyring-local';

const options: KeyringLocalOptions = {
  type: 'sr25519',
  passwordCallback: async (keyring: KeyringPair) => {
    return '<password>';
      const provider = new KeyringLocalProvider(options);
      await provider.init();

const signer = provider.addUri('<uri of account>', '<password>');
// The provider uses the Polkadot extension ( for the browser.
import { Web3AccountsOptions } from '@polkadot/extension-inject/types';
import { Account } from '@unique-nft/accounts';
import { PolkadotProvider } from '@unique-nft/accounts/polkadot';

const options: Web3AccountsOptions = {
  accountType: ['sr25519'],
  const provider = new PolkadotProvider(options);
  await provider.init();

const signer = await provider.first();
// The provider uses the Metamask extension ( for the browser.
import { Account } from '@unique-nft/accounts';
import { MetamaskProvider } from '@unique-nft/accounts/metamask';

const provider = new MetamaskProvider();
await provider.init();

const signer = await provider.first();