Create a collection and mint a token

The following example demonstrates how to use the Unique SDK to create a collection and add a token to it.

The extrinsic lifecycle consists of the following operations:

  1. Request the REST service to build the extrinsic.
  2. Sign the extrinsic.
  3. Submit the signed extrinsic.

We'll need a Substrate address to use in this example. Since we need to provide the mnemonic seed and the wallet address at some point remember to have these two data items handy if you are using an already existing account or make a note of these two data items during the account creation process if you will be creating a new account for the sake of this exercise. The instructions for creating an account with the Polkadot.js wallet browser extension can be found here. And, since some Opal tokens are required to pay for the transaction fees as well (around 2 to 2.5 OPL) note that these can be obtained via the Telegram faucet botopen in new window.

We will use the following packages this sample:

import Sdk from '@unique-nft/sdk';
import { KeyringProvider } from '@unique-nft/accounts/keyring';

const baseUrl = '';
const mnemonic = 'bus ahead nation nice damp recall place dance guide media clap language';

// Creating an SDK client
function createSdk(account) {
  const options = {
    signer: account,
  return new Sdk(options);

// Creating a sample collection
// The signer specified in the SDK constructor is used to sign an extrinsic
export async function createCollection(sdk, address) {
  const { parsed, error } = await sdk.collection.create.submitWaitResult({
    name: 'Test collection',
    description: 'My test collection',
    tokenPrefix: 'TST',

  if (error) {
    console.log('create collection error', error);

  const { collectionId } = parsed;

  return sdk.collection.get({ collectionId });

// Creating a sample token in the newly created collection
// The signer specified in the SDK constructor is used to sign an extrinsic
export async function createToken(sdk, address, collectionId) {
  const { parsed, error } = await sdk.token.create.submitWaitResult({

  if (error) {
    console.log('create token error', error);

  const { tokenId } = parsed;

  return sdk.token.get({ collectionId, tokenId });

// Entrypoint
async function main() {
  const signer = await KeyringProvider.fromMnemonic(mnemonic);
  const address = signer.instance.address;

  const sdk = createSdk(signer);

  const collection = await createCollection(sdk, address);
  console.log('collection', collection);

  const token = await createToken(sdk, address,;
  console.log('token', token);
