Creating Substrate Address via browser extension

Unique Network, like most blockchains, is based on accounts or addresses. An address can own some QTZ or UNQ tokens, NFTs or some ERC-20 tokens. It can sign transactions to transfer these valuable assets to other addresses or to make some actions in Decentralized Apps (dApps). For example, an address can buy and sell NFTs on the NFT Marketplace.

A typical Quartz address looks like this: yGHuU9CWnrHMUz8GJRmpA9MowmtMKZvnq2tLc5mk3zMFizW5X

So, to purchase and sell tokens on the Market, you need to have a Unique Network account. To create a new account, you should get an address that can own NFTs and allow you to manage KSM. The best way to get an address is to install the Polkadot{.js} browser extension for Chromeopen in new window or for Firefoxopen in new window. This browser extension manages accounts and allows you to sign transactions with these accounts.

To create a Unique Network account:

  1. Download the Polkadot{.js} extensionopen in new window and add it to your browser.
  2. Click on the Polkadot{.js} extension in your browser.
  3. In the Authorize window, read the disclaimer and click Yes, allow this application access.
  4. Click the Add Account icon (+) and then click Create new account. This will generate your wallet address and the 12-word mnemonic seed – the series of words that can be used to restore your wallet. ⚠️ Copy this seed and keep it a safe place. ⚠️ Seed
  5. Select "I have saved my mnemonic seed safely" and click Next step.
  6. On the next screen, in the NETWORK drop-down menu, select Allow use on any chain. Add a name for your account and create a new password by entering the password twice. AccountName
  7. Click Add the account with the generated seed. Your newly created account is now displayed in the Accounts window.

Each account has an icon displayed next to the account name. Clicking this icon, you copy the account address to the clipboard.