Live NFT example

This examples shows how to create a collection where token properties can be changed, mint a token and then change it.

import Sdk from '@unique-nft/sdk'
import {KeyringProvider} from '@unique-nft/accounts/keyring'
import {AttributeType, COLLECTION_SCHEMA_NAME, SchemaTools, UniqueCollectionSchemaToCreate} from '@unique-nft/schemas'

const SDK_BASE_URL = ''
const MNEMONIC = 'electic suit...'

const sdk = new Sdk({baseUrl: SDK_BASE_URL})

const main = async () => {
  const account = await KeyringProvider.fromMnemonic(MNEMONIC)

  // Creating collection in Unique schema
  // Part 1: creating the schema

  const collectionSchema: UniqueCollectionSchemaToCreate = {
    schemaName: COLLECTION_SCHEMA_NAME.unique,
    schemaVersion: '1.0.0',
    image: {urlTemplate: '{infix}.png'},
    coverPicture: {urlInfix: '1'},
    // important:
    // attributes are virtual thing which exists only in the Unique schema
    // it can be encoded and decoded and read only with collection schema encoded in Unique format
    // it's like traits in cryptopunks
    // actually every attribute is stored as token's property
    // and token property is a real on-chain record with access controlled by blockchain
    // so, the attribute - is just a value stored in property
    attributesSchemaVersion: '1.0.0',
    attributesSchema: {
      0: {
        name: {_: "colour"},
        type: AttributeType.string,
        optional: false,
        isArray: false,
        enumValues: {
          0: {_: 'red'},
          1: {_: 'green'},
          2: {_: 'blue'},
      1: {
        name: {_: 'this attr is some free form string'},
        type: AttributeType.string,
        optional: true,
        isArray: false,

  // Creating collection in Unique schema
  // Part 2: creating the collection

  const collectionResult = await sdk.collections.creation.submitWaitResult({
    address: account.getAddress(),
    name: 'Test collection',
    description: 'Test collection description',
    tokenPrefix: "TEST",
    schema: collectionSchema as any, // temporary typing mismatch
    tokenPropertyPermissions: [
      // we need manually set token property permissions
      // because by default it's set with mutable: false flag
        key: 'a.0', // 'a.0' corresponds to the attribute from 'schema.attributesSchema.0'
        permission: {
          tokenOwner: true,
          collectionAdmin: true,
          mutable: true,
        key: 'a.1', // 'a.0' corresponds to the attribute from 'schema.attributesSchema.1'
        permission: {
          tokenOwner: true,
          collectionAdmin: true,
          mutable: true,
  }, {
    signer: account
  const {collectionId} = collectionResult.parsed!

  // Minting a token

  const tokenProperties = SchemaTools.encodeUnique.token({
    image: {
      urlInfix: '1',
    encodedAttributes: {
      0: 0, // red by default
      1: {_: 'test value'},
  }, collectionSchema)

  const tokenMintResult = await sdk.tokens.create.submitWaitResult({
    address: account.getAddress(),
    properties: tokenProperties,
  }, {
    signer: account

  const tokenId = tokenMintResult.parsed!.tokenId

  // Getting the token from the chain
  // the colour attr value should be 'red'

  const token = await sdk.tokens.get({
  console.dir(token, {depth: 100})
  const color = token.attributes[0].value._
  if (color !== 'red') {
    throw new Error(`token color should be red, got ${color}`)

  // Changing the token property

  const tokenChangeResult = await sdk.tokens.setProperties.submitWaitResult({
    address: account.getAddress(),
    properties: [{
      key: 'a.0',
      value: '2',
  }, {
    signer: account

  // Getting the token from the chain
  // the colour attr value should be 'blue'

  const tokenAfterChange = await sdk.tokens.get({
  console.dir(tokenAfterChange, {depth: 100})

  const colorAfterChange = tokenAfterChange.attributes[0].value._
  if (colorAfterChange !== 'blue') {
    throw new Error(`token color should be blue, got ${colorAfterChange}`)


main().catch(err => console.error(err))