Websocket subscriptions

Connect to the client

In this tutorial, we will using the Socket.IO clientopen in new window library. So first of all, you need to install it:

npm install socket.io-client
yarn add socket.io-client

Then, you can import it to your project and initialize the client by the following code:

import { io } from 'socket.io-client';

const socket = io('https://rest.unique.network', {
  path: '/opal/socket.io',
  transports: ['websocket'],

socket.on('system', (room, data) => {

When the connection is established, you will receive a system event with the blockchain network information to which you connected.

  name: 'system'
  SS58Prefix: 42,
  token: 'OPL',
  decimals: 18,
  wsUrl: 'wss://ws-opal.unique.network',
  genesisHash: '0xc87870ef90a438d574b8e320f17db372c50f62beb52e479c8ff6ee5b460670b9'


To receive events about new headers, you can subscribe the following way:

socket.on('headers', (room, header) => {

socket.on('connect', () => {

You will receive the header object that contains these fields:

interface HeaderResult {
  hash: string;
  parentHash: string;
  number: string;
  stateRoot: string;
  extrinsicsRoot: string;
  digest: object;


To receive events about new blocks, you can subscribe the following way:

socket.on('blocks', (room, block) => {

socket.on('connect', () => {

You will receive block object that contains these fields:

interface BlockResult {
  hash: string;
  header: HeaderResult;


To receive events about new extrinsics, you can subscribe the following way:

socket.on('extrinsics', (room, extrinsic) => {

socket.on('connect', () => {

You will receive a extrinsic object that contains these fields:

interface ExtrinsicResultResponse {
  isCompleted: boolean;
  hash: string;
  blockIndex: number;
  error: object;
  events: ExtrinsicResultEvent[];
  parsed?: object;
  fee?: FeeResponse;
  callbackUrl: string;
  createdAt: number;
  block: BlockResult;
  callMethod: MethodName;
Extrinsic filtering

You can filter extrinsics by specifying the collection id.

In the example below, you will only get extrinsics from collection #123:

socket.on('extrinsics', (room, extrinsic) => {

socket.on('connect', () => {
  socket.emit('subscribe:extrinsics', {
      collectionId: 123,

To get extrinsics from any collection, you can use this filter:

socket.on('extrinsics', (room, extrinsic, block) => {

socket.on('connect', () => {
  socket.emit('subscribe:extrinsics', {
      collectionId: '*',


To receive events about new events, you can subscribe the following way:

socket.on('events', (room, event, extrinsic, block) => {

socket.on('connect', () => {

You will receive a event object that contains these fields:

interface ExtrinsicResultEvent {
  section: string;
  method: string;
  data: object;
  meta: object;
  index: string;
Events filtering

You can filter the events stream to receive events from a specific section and method.

The following example will display only the token creation events:

socket.on('events', (room, event, extrinsic, block) => {

socket.on('connect', () => {
  socket.emit('subscribe:events', {
    method: 'ItemCreated',
    section: 'common',

As values for the method and section fields, you can specify the "*" character which will mean any value. For example, the following filter will return all events from the common section.

socket.on('events', (room, event, extrinsic, block) => {
socket.on('connect', () => {
  socket.emit('subscribe:events', {
    method: '*',
    section: 'common',