Unique Pallet - Extrinsics



Adds an admin of the specified collection.


addCollectionAdmin(collectionId, newAdminId)

collectionId [u32] - an ID of the collection which will be affected.

newAdminId [PalletEvmAccountBasicCrossAccountIdRepr] - an object which represents the set of the address type and its value.

Code Example

api.tx.unique.addColletionAdmin(2, {Substrate: '5CiDszBRQ7jDhPwRNBLc4EZHAgbEwhGMbNSaJDQgmYibzm21'})
api.tx.unique.addColletionAdmin(5, {Ethereum: '0x1C9d253C8f9f4b25d32F107B0460aEEb4b6fefb5'})



Adds an address to collection allow list.


addToAllowList(collectionId, newAdminId)

collectionId [u32] - an ID of the collection which will be affected.

newAdminId [PalletEvmAccountBasicCrossAccountIdRepr] - an object which represents the set of the address type and its value.

Code Example

api.tx.unique.addToAllowList(2, {Substrate: '5CiDszBRQ7jDhPwRNBLc4EZHAgbEwhGMbNSaJDQgmYibzm21'})
api.tx.unique.addToAllowList(5, {Ethereum: '0x1C9d253C8f9f4b25d32F107B0460aEEb4b6fefb5'})



Sets, changes or remove approved address to transfer the ownership of an NFT.


approve(spender, collectionId, itemId, amount)

spender [PalletEvmAccountBasicCrossAccountIdRepr] - an object which represents the set of the address type and its value.

collectionId [u32] - an ID of the collection which will be affected.

itemId [u32] - token Id that will be affected.

amount [u128] - use 1 for NFT.

Code Example

api.tx.unique.approve({Substrate: '5CiDszBRQ7jDhPwRNBLc4EZHAgbEwhGMbNSaJDQgmYibzm21'}, 10, 200, 1)



Destroys a concrete instance of NFT on behalf of the specific user.


burnFrom(collectionId, from, itemId, value)

collectionId [u32] - an ID of the collection which will be affected.

from [PalletEvmAccountBasicCrossAccountIdRepr] - an object which represents the set of the address type and its value.

itemId [u32] - token Id that will be affected.

value [u128] - use 1 for NFT.

Code Example

api.tx.unique.burnFrom(10, {Substrate: '5CiDszBRQ7jDhPwRNBLc4EZHAgbEwhGMbNSaJDQgmYibzm21'}, 200, 1) 



Destroys a concrete instance of NFT on behalf of the owner.


burnItem(collectionId, itemId, value)

collectionId [u32] - an ID of the collection which will be affected.

itemId [u32] - token Id that will be affected.

value [u128] - use 1 for NFT.

Code Example

api.tx.unique.burnItem(10, 200, 1) 



Changes the collection owner to the specified address.


changeCollectionOwner(collectionId, newOwner)

collectionId [u32] - an ID of the collection which will be affected.

newOwner [string] - the new owner address in the Substrate format. Returns boolean (true on success, false on fail).

Code Example

api.tx.unique.changeCollectionOwner(10, '5CiDszBRQ7jDhPwRNBLc4EZHAgbEwhGMbNSaJDQgmYibzm21')



Confirms consent to sponsor the collection on behalf of the signer. Returns bool true on success.



collectionId [u32] - an ID of the collection which will be used.

Code Example

const result = api.tx.unique.confirmSponsorship(10)
await result.sign(keyring) 



Deprecated. Please use the createCollectionEx method.



Creates a new collection on the chain. The signer must have sufficient funds to create the collection. Returns a UniqueNFTCollection object from the created collection



collectionOptions [UpDataStructsCreateCollectionData] - structure that contains the data in the JSON format. See below.

click to expand
   collectionOptions: {
      name: string,
      description: string,
      tokenPrefix: string,
      pendingSponsor?: string,
      permissions: {
      access?: "AllowList" | "Normal",
      mintMode?: boolean,
      nesting: {collectionAdmin: boolean, tokenOwner: boolean, restricted: null | Number[]}
      limits?: ChainLimits,
      properties?: ({key: string, value: string})[],
      tokenPropertyPermissions?: ({key: string, permission: {mutable?: boolean, collectionAdmin?: boolean, tokenOwner?: boolean}})[]

Code Example

api.tx.unique.createCollectionEx({name: 'test', description: 'test description', tokenPrefix: 'tst'})



This method creates an item in the NFT collection and assigns it to the specified owner.


createItem(collectionId, owner, data)

collectionId [u32] - an ID of the collection which will be affected.

owner [PalletEvmAccountBasicCrossAccountIdRepr] - an object which represents the set of the address type and its value.

data [UpDataStructsCreateItemData] - structure that contains the token data in the JSON format. See below.

click to expand
  collectionOptions: {
      name: string,
      description: string,
      tokenPrefix: string,
      pendingSponsor?: string,
      permissions: {
      access?: "AllowList" | "Normal",
      mintMode?: boolean,
      nesting: {collectionAdmin: boolean, tokenOwner: boolean, restricted: null | Number[]}
      limits?: ChainLimits,
      properties?: ({key: string, value: string})[],
      tokenPropertyPermissions?: ({key: string, permission: {mutable?: boolean, collectionAdmin?: boolean, tokenOwner?: boolean}})[]

Code Example

api.tx.unique.createItem(1, {Substrate: '5GrwvaEF5zXb26Fz9rcQpDWS57CtERHpNehXCPcNoHGKutQY'}, {key: 'name', value: 'Alice'})



Deprecated. Please use the createMultipleItemsEx method.



Creates several new tokens at once in the specified collection (up to 100 at a time). All property keys must be present in the collection. Returns an object with the transaction result.


createMultipleItemsEx(collectionId, data)

collectionId [u32] - an ID of the collection which will be affected.

data [UpDataStructsCreateItemExData] - structure that contains the address and token data in the JSON format. See below.

click to expand
data: ({
    owner: {Substrate?: string, Ethereum?: string},
    properties?: ({key: string, value: string})[]

Code Example

api.tx.unique.createMultipleItemsEx(1, [
  {{Substrate: '5GrwvaEF5zXb26Fz9rcQpDWS57CtERHpNehXCPcNoHGKutQY'}, {key: 'name', value: 'Alice'}},
  {{Substrate: '5FHneW46xGXgs5mUiveU4sbTyGBzmstUspZC92UhjJM694ty'}, {key: 'name', value: 'Bob'}}



Deletes on-chain properties from the collection. Returns bool true on success.


deleteCollectionProperties(collectionId, propertyKeys)

collectionId [u32] - an ID of the collection which will be affected.

propertyKeys [PropertyKeys vector] - the array of the properties that will be deleted.

Code example

api.tx.unique.deleteCollectionProperties(1, ['is_substrate'])



Deletes properties from an NFT token. Returns bool true on success.


deleteTokenProperties(collectionId, tokenId, propertyKeys)

collectionId [u32] - an ID of the collection which will be affected.

tokenId [u32] - token Id that will be affected.

propertyKeys [PropertyKeys vector] - the array of the properties that will be deleted.

Code example

api.tx.unique.deleteTokenProperties(6, 200, ['name'])



Destroys a collection if there are tokens in it and if the signer has sufficient permissions.



collectionId [u32] - an ID of the collection which will be affected.

Code Example




Removes a collection administrator. An admin address can remove itself. Returns bool true on success.



collectionId [u32] - an ID of the collection which will be affected.

accountId [PalletEvmAccountBasicCrossAccountIdRepr] - an object which represents the set of the address type and its value.

Code Example

api.tx.unique.removeCollectionAdmin(2, {Substrate: '5CiDszBRQ7jDhPwRNBLc4EZHAgbEwhGMbNSaJDQgmYibzm21'})
api.tx.unique.removeCollectionAdmin(5, {Ethereum: '0x1C9d253C8f9f4b25d32F107B0460aEEb4b6fefb5'})



Removes the collection sponsor. Switch back to the pay-per-own-transaction model.



collectionId [u32] - an ID of the collection which will be affected.

Code Example




Remove an address from the allow list.


removeFromAllowList(collectionId, address)

collectionId [u32] - an ID of the collection which will be affected.

address [PalletEvmAccountBasicCrossAccountIdRepr] - an object which represents the set of the address type and its value.

Code Example

api.tx.unique.removeFromAllowList(2, {Substrate: '5CiDszBRQ7jDhPwRNBLc4EZHAgbEwhGMbNSaJDQgmYibzm21'})
api.tx.unique.removeFromAllowList(5, {Ethereum: '0x1C9d253C8f9f4b25d32F107B0460aEEb4b6fefb5'})



Sets the limits of the collection. At least one limit must be specified for a correct call. Returns bool true on success.


setCollectionLimits(collectionId, newLimit)

collectionId [u32] - an ID of the collection which will be affected.

limits [UpDataStructsCollectionLimits] - structure that contains the limits for the collection. See below.

click to expand
limits: {
    accountTokenOwnershipLimit?: Number,
    sponsoredDataSize?: Number,
    sponsoredDataRateLimit?: Number,
    tokenLimit?: Number,
    sponsorTransferTimeout?: Number,
    sponsorApproveTimeout?: Number,
    ownerCanTransfer?: boolean,
    ownerCanDestroy?: boolean,
    transfersEnabled?: boolean

Code Example

api.tx.unique.setCollectionLimits(7, {transfersEnabled: false})



Sets on-chain permissions for selected collection. Returns bool true on success.


setCollectionPermissions(collectionId, newLimit)

collectionId [u32] - an ID of the collection which will be affected.

newLimit [UpDataStructsCollectionPermissions] - structure that contains the permissions for a collection. See below.

click to expand
permissions: {
    access?: 'Normal' | 'AllowList',
    mintMode?: boolean,
    nesting?: {tokenOwner: boolean, collectionAdmin: boolean, restricted: null | Number[]}

Code Example

api.tx.unique.setCollectionPermissions(6, {mintMode: false})



Sets on-chain properties for the specified collection. Returns bool true on success.


setCollectionProperties(collectionId, properties)

collectionId [u32] - an ID of the collection which will be affected.

properties [UpDataStructsProperty vector] - array of the structures that represent a collection property.

Code Example

api.tx.unique.setCollectionProperties(6, [{key: 'name', value: 'Alice'}, {key: 'is_substrate', value: 'true'}])



Sets a sponsor address for a collection.


setCollectionSponsor(collectionId, newSponsor)

collectionId [u32] - an ID of the collection which will be affected.

newSponsor [string] - the new sponsor address in the Substrate format. Returns boolean (true on success, false on fail).

Code Example

api.tx.unique.setCollectionSponsor(10, '5CiDszBRQ7jDhPwRNBLc4EZHAgbEwhGMbNSaJDQgmYibzm21')



Set the transfers_enabled value for a specified collection.


setTransfersEnabledFlag(collectionId, value)

collectionId [u32] - an ID of the collection which will be affected.

value [boolean] - true or false depending on whether you want to enable/disable the flag.

Code Example

api.tx.unique.setTransfersEnabledFlag(7, true)



setTokenProperties(collectionId, tokenId, properties)

collectionId [u32] - an ID of the collection which will be affected.

tokenId [u32] - token Id that will be affected.

properties [UpDataStructsProperty vector] - an array of structures that contains properties for a token.

Code Example

api.tx.unique.setTokenProperties(6, 200, [{key: 'name', value: 'Alice'}])



Sets permissions for the token properties. The token can contain only properties with permissions. Returns bool true on success.


setPropertyPermissions(collectionId, propertyPermissions)

collectionId [u32] - an ID of the collection which will be affected.

propertyPermissions [UpDataStructsPropertyKeyPermission vector] - an array of structures that contains permissions for properties.

click to expand
tokenPropertyPermissions: {
      key: string, 
      permission: {
          mutable?: boolean, 
          collectionAdmin?: boolean, 
          tokenOwner?: boolean

Code Example

api.tx.unique.setTokenPropertyPermissions(1, [{key: 'name', permission: {mutable: true, collectionAdmin: true, tokenOwner: true}}])



Transfers an NFT token from signer to a given address (Substrate or Ethereum). Returns bool true on success.


transfer(recipient, collectionId, itemId, value)

recipient [PalletEvmAccountBasicCrossAccountIdRepr] - an object which represents the set of the address type and its value.

collectionId [u32] - an ID of the collection which will be affected.

itemId [u32] - token Id that will be affected.

value [u128] - use 1 for NFT.

Code Example

api.tx.unique.transfer({Substrate: '5CiDszBRQ7jDhPwRNBLc4EZHAgbEwhGMbNSaJDQgmYibzm21'}, 10, 200, 1)



Transfers NFT token from given address (Substrate or Ethereum) to given address (Substrate or Ethereum). The signer must be authorized to do so. Returns bool true on success.

DeclarationtransferFrom(from, recipient, collectionId, itemId, value)

from [PalletEvmAccountBasicCrossAccountIdRepr] - an object which represents the set of the address type and its value. You need to specify the account which sends a token.

recipient [PalletEvmAccountBasicCrossAccountIdRepr] - an object which represents the set of the address type and its value.You need to specify the account which receives a token.

collectionId [u32] - an ID of the collection which will be affected.

itemId [u32] - token Id that will be affected.

value [u128] - use 1 for NFT.

Code Example

api.tx.unique.transferFrom({Substrate: '5CiDszBRQ7jDhPwGtrSa4EZHAgbEwhGMbNSaJDQgmYibzy44'}, {Substrate: '5CiDszBRQ7jDhPwRNBLc4EZHAgbEwhGMbNSaJDQgmYibzm21'}, 10, 200, 1)