Ready to use samples
You can find the complete code that we created in this section.
To run scripts, you can use the following commands. Make sure that you installed the tsx package to run scripts.
npx tsx mintNFT.mts
npx tsx mintRFT.mts
npx tsx mintFT.mts
yarn tsx mintNFT.mts
yarn tsx mintRFT.mts
yarn tsx mintFT.mts
Mint NFT
import dotenv from 'dotenv'
import {ethers} from 'ethers'
import {CollectionHelpersFactory, UniqueNFTFactory} from '@unique-nft/solidity-interfaces'
import {Ethereum} from '@unique-nft/utils/extension'
import {Address, StringUtils} from '@unique-nft/utils'
const tokenIpfsCids = {
1: 'QmZ8Syn28bEhZJKYeZCxUTM5Ut74ccKKDbQCqk5AuYsEnp',
2: 'QmZVpSsjvxev3C8Dv4E44fSp8gGMP6aoLMp56HmZi5Wkxh',
3: 'QmZMo8JDB9isA7k7tr8sFLXYwNJNa51XjJinkLWcc9vnta',
4: 'QmV7fqfJBozrc7VtaHSd64GvwNYqoQE1QptaysenTJrbpL',
async function main() {
// define a provider using the Opal RPC
const provider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider('')
// Create a signer
const privateKey = process.env.PRIVATE_KEY
if (!privateKey) throw new Error('Missing private key')
const wallet = new ethers.Wallet(privateKey, provider)
const collectionHelpers = await CollectionHelpersFactory(wallet, ethers)
// Create a new collection
let newCollection = await ( await collectionHelpers.createNFTCollection(
'My NFT collection',
'This collection is for testing purposes',
value: await collectionHelpers.collectionCreationFee(),
const collectionAddress =[0].args?.collectionId as string
const collectionId = Address.collection.addressToId(collectionAddress)
console.log(`Collection created!`)
console.log(`Address: ${collectionAddress} , id: ${collectionId}`)
const collection = await UniqueNFTFactory(collectionId, wallet, ethers)
// Make ERC721Metadata
const txMake = await (
await collectionHelpers.makeCollectionERC721MetadataCompatible(
console.log('The ERC721Metadata flag was set to true.')
// Enable collection sponsoring. For this, we will need second account
const privateKeySecondary = process.env.PRIVATE_KEY_SECONDARY
if (!privateKeySecondary)
throw new Error('Missing private key')
const walletConfirm = new ethers.Wallet(privateKeySecondary, provider)
const collectionConfirm = await UniqueNFTFactory(collectionId, walletConfirm, ethers)
const txSponsor = await (await collection.setCollectionSponsorCross(
eth: '0x83E02d8ab05913bA7b5A76fA828A95E5118255E8',
sub: 0n,
const txConfirm = await (await collectionConfirm.confirmCollectionSponsorship({
gasLimit: 10_000_000,
const currentSponsor = await collectionConfirm.collectionSponsor()
console.log(`Sponsor was set. The current sponsor is 0x83E02d8ab05913bA7b5A76fA828A95E5118255E8`)
// Mint NFT
const txMintToken = await (await
const tokenId =[0].args?.tokenId.toString()
console.log(`Successfully minted token #${tokenId}`)
// Mint with URI
const txMintTokenWithURI = await (await collection.mintWithTokenURI(wallet.address,
'' + tokenIpfsCids['1'])).wait()
const tokenIdWithURI =[1].args?.tokenId.toNumber()
const tokenUriWithURI = await collection.tokenURI(tokenIdWithURI)
console.log(`Successfully minted token #${tokenIdWithURI},
it's URI is: ${tokenUriWithURI}`)
// Mint with suffix and then re-write its value
const crossMintResult = await ( await collection.mintCross(
eth: wallet.address,
sub: 0n,
key: 'URISuffix',
value: StringUtils.Utf8.stringToNumberArray(tokenIpfsCids['1']),
const parsedTxReceipt = Ethereum.parseEthersTxReceipt(crossMintResult)
const tokenIdWithSuffix =
console.log(`Successfully minted token with cross address. Id: ${tokenIdWithSuffix}`)
const txSetSuffix = await (await collection.setProperties(
key: 'URISuffix',
value: StringUtils.Utf8.stringToNumberArray(tokenIpfsCids['2']),
console.log(`URI suffix was set for token # ${tokenIdWithSuffix}`)
Mint RFT
import dotenv from 'dotenv'
import {ethers} from 'ethers'
import {
} from '@unique-nft/solidity-interfaces'
import {Ethereum} from '@unique-nft/utils/extension'
import {Address} from '@unique-nft/utils'
async function main() {
// define a provider using the Opal RPC
const provider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider('')
// Create a signer
const privateKey = process.env.PRIVATE_KEY
if (!privateKey) throw new Error('Missing private key')
const wallet = new ethers.Wallet(privateKey, provider)
const collectionHelpers = await CollectionHelpersFactory(wallet, ethers)
// Create a new RFT collection
let newCollection = await (
await collectionHelpers.createRFTCollection(
'My new RFT collection',
'This RFT collection is for testing purposes',
value: await collectionHelpers.collectionCreationFee(),
const collectionAddressRFT =[0].args?.collectionId as string
const collectionIdRFT = Address.collection.addressToId(collectionAddressRFT)
console.log(`RFT collection created! Address: ${collectionAddressRFT} , id: ${collectionIdRFT}`)
// Make ERC721Metadata compatible
const txMake = await (
await collectionHelpers.makeCollectionERC721MetadataCompatible(
console.log('The ERC721Metadata flag was set to true.')
// Mint RFT
const collectionRFT = await UniqueRefungibleFactory(collectionIdRFT, wallet, ethers)
const txMintRFTToken = await (
await collectionRFT.mintWithTokenURI(
'' + tokenIpfsCids['1']
const tokenIdRFT = Number(Ethereum.parseEthersTxReceipt(txMintRFTToken).events.Transfer.tokenId)
console.log(`RFT token minted. Id: ${tokenIdRFT}`)
const rftFactory = await UniqueRefungibleTokenFactory(
collectionId: collectionIdRFT,
tokenId: tokenIdRFT,
const txRepart = await (await rftFactory.repartition(10n)).wait()
console.log(`${Ethereum.parseEthersTxReceipt(txRepart).events.Transfer.value} new pieces were created.
One piece remained on the original place.`)
Mint Fungible
import dotenv from 'dotenv'
import {ethers} from 'ethers'
import {
} from '@unique-nft/solidity-interfaces'
import {Ethereum} from '@unique-nft/utils/extension'
import {Address} from '@unique-nft/utils'
async function main() {
// define a provider using the Opal RPC
const provider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider('')
// Create a signer
const privateKey = process.env.PRIVATE_KEY
if (!privateKey) throw new Error('Missing private key')
const wallet = new ethers.Wallet(privateKey, provider)
const collectionHelpers = await CollectionHelpersFactory(wallet, ethers)
// Create a fungible collection
const newFTcollection = await (await collectionHelpers.createFTCollection(
'My new FT collection',
10, // decimals
'This FT collection is for testing purposes',
gasLimit: 10_000_000,
value: await collectionHelpers.collectionCreationFee(),
const collectionAddressFT = Ethereum.parseEthersTxReceipt(newFTcollection).events.CollectionCreated.collectionId
const collectionIdFT = Address.collection.addressToId(collectionAddressFT)
console.log(`FT collection created! Address: ${collectionAddressFT}, id: ${collectionIdFT}`)
// Mint fungible tokens
const collectionFT = await UniqueFungibleFactory(collectionIdFT, wallet, ethers)
const txMintFT = await (await, 50)).wait()
console.log(`${Ethereum.parseEthersTxReceipt(txMintFT).events.Transfer.value} fungible tokens were minted. `)