

Follow the Getting started guide to install required libraries, receive test network OPL tokens, and initialize SDK.

Get balance

After receiving OPL tokens you can check your account's balance using SDK.

const balances = await unique.balance.get({
  address: account.address


The output will resemble the following:

  available: '270171775322286038926',
  locked: '0',
  free: '270171775322286038926',
  total: '270171775322286038926',
  reserved: '0',
  staked: '0',
  unstaked: '0',
  canstake: '270171775322286038926',
  vested: [],
  decimals: 18,
  tokenSymbol: 'OPL'

Let's understand balance meaning:

  • available: the balance user can transfer. Most application should operate with this balance
  • locked: the balance locked by staking or vesting
  • free: the sum of available and locked
  • reserved: the balance reserved by collator selection pallet
  • total: the sum of free and reserved balance
  • staked: the balance locked by staking
  • unstaked: the balance that has been unstaked and awaiting unlocking period (~ 7 days)
  • canstake: the balance user can stake
  • vested: the balance locked by vesting pallet
  • decimals: all balances are in the wei. This field shows what is the decimals part
  • tokenSymbol: token symbol


The account can transfer tokens in available status.

await unique.balance.transfer({
  amount: '100',
  to: "5GrwvaEF5zXb26Fz9rcQpDWS57CtERHpNehXCPcNoHGKutQY"

By default amount is set in wei.

It is also possible to specify transfer in coins.

await unique.balance.transfer({
  amount: '100.44',
  to: "5GrwvaEF5zXb26Fz9rcQpDWS57CtERHpNehXCPcNoHGKutQY",
  isAmountInCoins: true // <--- in this case the transfer amount will be 100.44e18