
The UniqueNFT.solopen in new window smart contract is the Unique Network NFT representation for our Ethereum facade.

Collection Id to Ethereum contract address conversion

To convert a Collection Id to a Collection Address (emulated smart contract in fact), it is enough to concatenate the 0x17c4e6453cc49aaaaeaca894e6d9683e prefix and the collection number in HEX format with 8 symbols length.

The sample code:

const collectionIdToAddress = (collectionId: number): string => {
  if (collectionId >= 0xffffffff || collectionId < 0) {
    throw new Error('id overflow')
  return Web3.utils.toChecksumAddress(
    '0x17c4e6453cc49aaaaeaca894e6d9683e' + 
    collectionId.toString(16).padStart(8, '0')

Another sample:

const collectionAddress = Web3.utils.toChecksumAddress(
  '0x17c4e6453cc49aaaaeaca894e6d9683e' + 
  collectionId.toString(16).padStart(8, '0')

Ethereum contract address to Collection Id

If a smart contract address is known, it is possible to perform reverse operation - convert Collection Address (of emulated smart contract) to a Collection Id. This is an unambiguous process in both directions.

For this, we just extract last 8 symbols from the address and convert it to unsigned integer value:

Sample code:

const extractCollectionIdFromAddress = (address: string): number => {
  if (!([40, 42].includes(address.length))) {
    throw new Error('address wrong format')
  return parseInt(address.slice(-8), 16)

Another sample:

const collectionId = parseInt(address.slice(-8), 16)

Live converter

You can use the converter below to easily convert Collection Id to Collection Address and vice versa.