The nesting feature allows you to create nested tokens. Thus, the topmost token will have a wallet address as its owner, while the owner of tokens nested in it will be the token above it. The entire chain of nested tokens will be called a bundle. If you transfer a top-level token to another owner, all tokens in the bundle will go with it.
If you don't know how to create collections and tokens, start from the beginning
Nesting permission
Nesting is not allowed by default. You need to set special permissions at the collection level during creation.
const creationResult = await sdk.collection.create.submitWaitResult({
name: "Test collection",
description: "My test collection",
tokenPrefix: "TST",
// Token owners and collection admins are allowed to nest tokens:
permissions: {
nesting: {
tokenOwner: true,
collectionAdmin: true,
// You can set collection ids allowed for nesting:
// restricted: [1]
Note: After a collection is created, you can change nesting permission from less to more restrictive. For example, if the collection has permission collectionAdmin: true, you can switch it to false, but not vice versa.
Creating bundles
async function main() {
// ... Create collection and NFTs
// and get their IDs (collectionId, firstTokenId, secondTokenId)
await sdk.token.nest({
parent: { collectionId, tokenId: firstTokenId },
nested: { collectionId, tokenId: secondTokenId },
Check if the token is bundle
- To check if the token is part of a bundle, use
- To get the hole bundle tree, use
const { isBundle } = await sdk.token.isBundle({
tokenId: token1Id,
console.log('token 1 isBundle?', isBundle);
const getBundleResult = await sdk.token.getBundle({
tokenId: token1Id,
console.log('getBundleResult:', getBundleResult);
The reverse process is called unnesting, when a token no longer belongs to any token and its owner becomes the wallet address.
const { parsed, error } = await sdk.token.unnest.submitWaitResult({
nested: { collectionId, tokenId: token2Id },
After unnesting the token with tokenId=2 is no longer part of the bundle. Neither is the token with tokenId=1 - because it no longer has any attached tokens.
Read more about nesting functions in the reference